Consenso Brasileiro de Monitorização e Suporte Hemodinâmico

21/09/2012 00:25

The multidisciplinary team involved in the care of critically ill patients has to constantly observe the vital signs of these patients to detect any indication of organ dysfunction. Equipments and laboratory tests are also often used in the intensive care setting to assess vital organs perfusion and to early detect tissue hypoxia preventing multiple organ failure. Based on this believe, the Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira – AMIB gathered experts to create guidelines and recommendations for monitoring and hemodynamic support to be used by the healthcare professionals who work in the Brazilian’s Intensive Care Medicine.


Parte I - Método e Definições.PDF (179,5 kB)
Parte II - Monitorização Hemodinâmica Básica e Cateter de Artéria Pulmonar.PDF (173,6 kB)
Parte III - Métodos Alternativos de Monitorização do DC e da Volemia.PDF (125,9 kB)
Parte IV - Monitorização da Perfusão Tecidual.PDF (111,7 kB)
Parte V - Suporte Hemodinâmico.pdf (282 kB)




Liga Acadêmica de Medicina Intensiva da Bahia – LAMIB